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Project to host the Touhou Labyrinth 2 speedrun's public notes

Alice Margatroid

This page lists useful spells and skills Alice has in the game, as well as explain her role and how she’s useful in the various speedrun categories. The page tries to limit explanations to Alice herself, if you want to see her synergy with others in specific battles, please refer to the relevant enemy pages.

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Quick Summary

Alice is completely optional and requires a small sidequest to recruit her. This includes 3 boss fights, and seeing events scattered around 7F that are out of our way. She is a very powerful mage that can inflict damage in many different ways and inflict a few ailments and debuffs on the way. Her skills are the core of her usefulness, and can help her become one of the most useful characters in the game.

Spells List

Skills List

Role & Usefulness

Ame-no-Murakumo (NG)

Temporary text

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