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Desert Weapon - Gold Hymn

This page explains the strategies employed against Gold Hymn on its boss fight. This includes party composition, which spells to use offensively and defensively, and how the battle should flow, which attacks to watch out for, etc. Since strategies vary greatly from route to route, explanations will be separated accordingly.

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Quick Summary

Gold Hymn is one of the 10F FOE you can choose to fight. It guards a Stone of Awakening, so it is highly recommended that you kill this as soon as possible no matter which category you’re playing, since subclasses are extremely important. The boss only has 33 PAR resistance, so it is very easy to keep it in permanent PAR with the likes of Kasen, and then nuke it with strong CLD spells to kill it fast.

AI Script

Attack List


Ame-no-Murakumo (NG)

Since it is so easy to keep the boss in permanent PAR, we spam Kasen’s Diving Waltz of the Raijuu to keep applying PAR on it. For damage, we spam Nitori’s Kappa’s Waterfall. To speed up the fight considerably, we add in Keine for AoE ATK buffing, and Aya for SPD buffing and turn manipulation. The strategy basically boils down to:

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