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Desert Weapon - Silver Mail

This page explains the strategies employed against Silver Mail on its boss fight. This includes party composition, which spells to use offensively and defensively, and how the battle should flow, which attacks to watch out for, etc. Since strategies vary greatly from route to route, explanations will be separated accordingly.

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Quick Summary

Silver Mail is one of the 10F FOE you can choose to fight. It guards the Herbalist’s Proof, a very important subclass that gives access to Herb of Awakening, the strongest Boost buff in the game. The boss has 0 SHK resistance, so it’s trivial to keep it permanently stunned if you have enough SPD and luck. The boss is weak to FIR, so spamming a move with that element alongside a SHK spell is the way to go.

AI Script

Attack List


Ame-no-Murakumo (NG)

Since it is so easy to keep the boss in permanent SHK, we spam Rin’s Cat Walk to keep applying SHK on it. For damage, since we show up overlevelled for this, just spam Nitori’s and Chen’s stronger spells. The strategy is to basically 1-2 turn it:

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